Category: Research Updates
Prof. Poulikakos presented an invited talk at IEEE RAPID in the session on “Active Plasmonics and Nanophotonics”. Thank you to Amit Agrawal and Palash Bharadwaj for the kind invitation!
META 2021 Conference
Prof. Poulikakos gave an invited talk at the META 2021 conference titled “Diagnostic Colorimetric Metasurfaces Visualize Disease in Fibrous Biological Tissue” in the session “Light-matter Interactions in New Materials and Meta-Architectures.” Thank you to Nicolò Maccaferri, Vincenzo Caligiuri, Mario Miscuglio and Said Zouhdi for the invitation!
Virtual Nanophotonics Seminar
Prof. Poulikakos gave a talk at the “Complex Beams and Chiral Nanophotonics” seminar organized by Profs. Stefan Maier, Emiliano Cortés and Leonardo Menezes at the Hybrid Nanosystems Chair at LMU Munich ( Thank you to Fedja Wendisch for the invitation!
RCSA Scialog Fellowship
Prof. Poulikakos was selected as an Fellow for the 3-year RCSA Scialog program on Advancing Bioimaging which had its inaugural meeting on May 20-21 2021. Scialog stands for “science + dialog”. This three year program brings together 55 multidisciplinary early-career faculty from across the US to catalyze collaborative and innovative research projects in the area…