Category: Team Updates
Shahrose Completed his Bachelor’s!
Huge congratulations to Shahrose for completing his Bachelor’s in Aerospace Engineering! We are so excited to have him continue his studies under the M.S program with a specialization in Applied Plasma Physics!
Zaid passed his ECE Preliminary Exam!
Zaid completed the first requirement of the Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD program: passing the preliminary exam! Thank you to Dr. Shaya Fainman, Dr. Jesse Jokerst, Dr. Saharnaz Baghdadchi, and Dr. Zhaowei Liu for being on his committee!
Prof. Poulikakos presents at the Sharp Minds Lecture Series to Local Senior Citizens
Prof. Poulikakos presented the lab’s research to local senior citizens at the Fleet Science Center’s Sharp Minds Lecture Series. Thank you to the UCSD MRSEC for this opportunity and to all participants for their wonderful and thoughtful questions!
BeWise Outreach Event with UCSD MRSEC
Sam, Paula and Prof. Poulikakos presented the fascinating science of structural color in nature to local women in 7th and 8th grade as part of the BE WiSE Program from the Fleet Science Center with the UCSD MRSEC!
Paula Kirya: Plenary Talk at Stanford Research Conference
In April, Paula presented our current research on colorimetric metasurfaces for tissue diagnostics. She was one of four students selected to be a plenary speaker for the Stanford Research conference out of the 79 student presenters. Well done Paula!
Paula Kirya selected as McNair Scholar!
Paula Kirya was selected to join the McNair Scholars Program, a big congratulations on this well-deserved honour and huge achievement! We are excited to see all of the amazing research she pursues in the McNair Program!
Nanoelectronics meets Nanophotonics!
Today we had our first joint group meeting with the Bione Lab (, led by Prof. Zeinab Jahed in Nanoengineering! We enjoyed our lively scientific discussions on the many overlapping and complementary research directions that arise when nanoelectonics meets nanophotonics!
Welcome Jiuk!
Today, Jiuk Byun joined the lab as a PhD student in Materials Science and Engineering! Welcome Jiuk!
Welcome Shahrose!
Shahrose Khan is co-advised by the Boechler Lab and the Poulikakos Lab. He joined in Summer 2021 as an undergraduate student researcher. Welcome Shahrose!
Welcome Joshua!
Dae Yong (Joshua) Kim joined the Poulikakos Lab as an undergraduate student researcher this week. Welcome Joshua!